Saturday, 31 August 2013

Textual analysis of Avicii - Wake Me Up

- The genre of this music video is alternative dance
- Not the typical dance music video

What is the relationship between lyrics and visuals?
- The actual title of the song links to the visuals because they wake up twice in the video
- When the lyrics 'when I'm wiser and I'm older' are sung, the camera focuses on older people
- Also the lyrics 'they tell me I'm too young to understand' are sung and at that same time they focus on the younger girl
- The lyrics 'hope i get the chance to travel the world' are sung and she is travelling on a horse

What is the relationship between music and visuals?
- When the music is slow at the beginning, the pace of the video is slower
- When the first beat of the music drops, the horse starts running in slow motion so it fits with the beat
- When it carries on with the dance music, they all dance at the concert

Are there close ups of the artist and star image motifs?
- There aren't any close ups of the artist but you see them at the end of the video when they are performing at a concert
- Their sign for their band is everywhere in the video, on the girls arms and on the stage when they perform

Is there reference to the notion of looking?
- When everyone is at the concert the camera shows the girls dancing and focuses on their arms with the logo on them
- There is a sense of voyeurism when this part of the video is being shown
- The Male Gaze theory can be seen in this video 

Is the music video performance based, narrative based or concept based?
- This video to start with is all narrative based
- At the end of the video it becomes mostly performance based with Avicii playing at the concert

- Overall this video is quite different for the type of music it is being played too but it works
- The relationship between the music and the visuals are very well done as well

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