Thursday, 29 August 2013

Textual analysis of Michael Jackson - Thriller

- The genre for this music video is funk/disco
- It has many different scenes (the movie, real life and the dream)

What is the relationship between lyrics and visuals?
- The relationship between the lyrics and the visuals are huge
- When Michael Jackson sings 'it's close to midnight' they are outside in the dark with the moonlight on them which links hugely
- He also acts out most of the lyrics that are being sung for example when he says 'now's the time for us to cuddle close together' he hugs the girl as he sings it so the relationship between the lyrics and visuals is very close

What is the relationship between music and visuals?
- When all the zombies come out and Michael Jackson turns into a zombie and they start dancing, that is to the beat of the music
- When the lyrics 'thriller' are being said the zombies are all doing the famous thriller dance move which fits with the song

Are there close ups of the artist and star image motifs?
- There are many close ups of the artist as Michael Jackson is in almost every scene in the video
- He is shown as a normal person and a zombie
- There are close ups of his face singing and also of his dance moves

Is there reference to the notion of looking?
- The girlfriend is shown as good looking and has make up on, this shows some voyeurism involved
- She is also shown as strutting through the street with heels on
- There is an element of the Male Gaze when the girlfriend is in shot

Is the music video performance based, narrative based or concept based?
- This music video is both narrative based and performance based
- Narrative when the film is showing and also when the zombies come out and performance when he is singing

- Overall, this music video is very much showing what is being sung which means it is very narrative based
- I like the way this is done and that he is pretty much acting out what he is saying

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