Sunday, 1 September 2013

Textual analysis of Delphic - This Momentary

- The genre for this music video is alternative dance
- It is a very different music video and type of song
- Dull colours used throughout the video

What is the relationship between lyrics and visuals?
- In this video there are absolutely no links between the lyrics and the visuals
- At the very end, the lyrics are 'let's do something real' and they show a close up of a girl singing those words however this is not really a relationship between the lyrics and the visuals

What is the relationship between music and visuals?
- From 0 - 42 seconds the shots are still shots around a deserted area. These all fit with the music when a different beat comes in
- Throughout the video they show faces from one distance then closer then closer again and they cut from shot to shot in time with the music at that point in time
- The pace starts to pick up a bit more at 1.57 and they show slow motion shots to emphasise this pace
- At 2.18 the pace picks up more and they show lots of shots really close together to show this fast pace
- At 2.20 they show a horse struggling in a field which is done in slow motion to show the pace again, this is combined with the feet of the ballet dancers to make it more dramatic
- The pace then gets slower and everything is shown as calm again (the horse)

Are there close ups of the artist and star image motifs?
- There are absolutely no close ups or any shots of the artist
- Completely done with actors/actresses

Is there reference to the notion of looking?
- You could say that the part with the ballet dancers has voyeurism involved because it's focusing on the girls legs and arms however it is not done in a sexual way
- Not much of Laura Mulvey's Male Gaze theory involved in this video

Is the music video performance based, narrative based or concept based?
- This video is purely concept based
- There is no performance from the artist
- There is no narrative throughout the video

- Overall, i think this video is very good and i like the way that it has nothing to do with the song
- It is also quite an emotional video when you put the music to it so the music and the visuals work extremely well together

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