Thursday, 29 August 2013

Textual analysis of Radiohead - Lotus Flower

- The genre of this music video is electronic rock
- It's a very minimalistic video
- All in black and white

What is the relationship between lyrics and visuals?
- There are so many links between the lyrics and the visuals
- Thome Yorke acts out the lyrics throughout the song
- Examples of this are at the beginning when he sings 'i will shake myself into your pocket' he acts this out and puts his hands in his pockets
- Then he also sings 'i will sink and i will disappear' at which point he gets lower to the floor
- Another example is when he sings 'there's an empty space inside my heart' and he clutches his heart
- When he sings about the lotus flower he makes a shape like a flower

What is the relationship between music and visuals?
- The beat of the music very much fits with Thome Yorke's dance movements
- He gets faster when the music gets faster and he slows when the music gets slower

Are there close ups of the artist and star image motifs?
- There are lots of close ups of the artist
- In these close ups you see him singing or making facial expressions which fit with the mood of the song
- There are no star image motifs

Is there reference to the notion of looking?
- Very much focused on Thome Yorke and look at him from all different angles
- No voyeurism
- No Male Gaze involved

Is the music video performance based, narrative based or concept based?
- This music video is performance based because he is singing and dancing to the music
- It may have a slight bit of narrative in there because he is acting out the words but i wouldn't say it was a lot at all

- Overall i think this music video is very well done as it is minimalistic and it is very effective
- It grabs your attention because it is quite a strange way of doing a music video  

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