Monday, 19 August 2013

Textual analysis of Ultraista - Smalltalk

- Simple music video
- Genre is pop even though music video may not show this
- Different paces at which the music video plays at which fits with the music

What is the relationship between lyrics and visuals?
- There is no real relationship between the lyrics and the visuals
- Only slight relationship would be the lyrics 'sharp memory talks i hear around the room' and you get the feeling in the music video that she is in one room all the time so that fits with the lyrics.

What is the relationship between music and visuals?
- The relationship between music and visuals is quite obvious
- As the music gets faster or slower the coloured lights on the singers face become slower or faster depending on the pace of the song at that moment in time
- Also when there is an instrumental, a few of the times the visuals move to a drum stick being used on a drum to show the instrumental part

Are there close ups of the artist and star image motifs?
- The whole music video, apart from the drum part, is a close up of the artist singing
- There are no changes in the distance from the music artist even though the shots do change slightly so it is not done on one big uninterrupted video

Is there reference to the notion of looking?
- There is huge reference to the notion of looking all the way through this video
- The singer is constantly being looked at close up and she has make up on the make her more sexualised
- It is particularly her lips that are the reference to the notion of looking
- Laura Mulvey's male gaze theory
- Voyeurism  is used

Is the music video performance based, narrative based or concept based?
- This music video is performance based
- The whole way through the music video there is just performance and nothing else

- Overall this is a very simple yet effective music video
- The music fits with the visuals with the beat but there is no real link between the lyrics and the visuals
- It is a purely performance based music video as there is no narrative and it is not concept 

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