Monday 25 November 2013

Second scene planning

We have decided to shoot the second part of our music video on the 2nd December as this will give us time to plan further on what exactly we are wanting to capture. We have decided to buy china plates that have a coloured rim around the edge so it's not plain and simple. We have also decided to shoot the video in the drama studio so that we can have a simple set up of a table and a couple of chairs and maybe a sofa so that it is either a kitchen or a living room. We wanted to make it as simple as possible so that it didn't just look like one of our houses that we had gone too. We felt like we have to set it up properly but make it simple to give it that effect so that we focus on the actors more. 

Within the fight that the couple will have in the living room there will be links to the powder paint, for example, whatever the couple touches they will leave a hand print but they will not realise it, only the audience will. So, if the girl slaps the boy he will have a hand print left on his face but they will act like they don't notice it. We also thought that when they are smashing plates etc then we could put powder paint on the plate and when it smashes down the powder paint will come off with the plate smashing. In slow motion this should give a good effect. 

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