Monday 25 November 2013

Second scene costume, lighting and colour research

We have decided that the actors will be wearing the normal, everyday, casual look of jeans or chinos with a top. This will mean that it won't take away any notice from what they are doing rather than everyone focusing on their clothes. We also just wanted it to be a normal fight between a normal couple.

The lighting and colour is very important in this scene because we have to get it to match the colour of the last scene we have done so that it doesn't look strange when it comes to putting it all together in Final Cut Pro. This means we will have to play around with the lighting quite a bit in the studio to make it the same brightness. If we get this wrong in production then we will have to try and sort it out in post production by changing the colour and brightness etc.

Second scene planning

We have decided to shoot the second part of our music video on the 2nd December as this will give us time to plan further on what exactly we are wanting to capture. We have decided to buy china plates that have a coloured rim around the edge so it's not plain and simple. We have also decided to shoot the video in the drama studio so that we can have a simple set up of a table and a couple of chairs and maybe a sofa so that it is either a kitchen or a living room. We wanted to make it as simple as possible so that it didn't just look like one of our houses that we had gone too. We felt like we have to set it up properly but make it simple to give it that effect so that we focus on the actors more. 

Within the fight that the couple will have in the living room there will be links to the powder paint, for example, whatever the couple touches they will leave a hand print but they will not realise it, only the audience will. So, if the girl slaps the boy he will have a hand print left on his face but they will act like they don't notice it. We also thought that when they are smashing plates etc then we could put powder paint on the plate and when it smashes down the powder paint will come off with the plate smashing. In slow motion this should give a good effect. 

Wednesday 20 November 2013

Shoot for lip syncing

Yesterday we shot the first part of our lip syncing for our music video. We put powder paint on our lips and also splattered it over our faces to make it look more effective and more like the powder paint fight section of the music video. We shot the sequence with the 75mm lens so that it was close up to the lips and so you couldn't see any other features of their face apart from their nose. We also tested out different shots when they weren't singing so that we could fit them in somewhere in the music video and we also shot a lip syncing part with half of one of the girls faces because the powder paint went up one side of her face. These shots looked really effective because we used bright light and it showed the powder paint really well.

Thursday 14 November 2013

Editing research - She Wolf - David Guetta

Number of cuts in the video - 100
Mostly shrinking time throughout the video but expanding time when there is extreme slow motion. Not as fast paced as normal dance music videos however it is made fast paced by the juddery movement that is created. It is not the typical music video that you see for a dance video. The cuts do fit with the music very well and they cut on the beat.

Editing research - Get Up - Bingo Players

Number of cuts in the video - 145
The video is mostly shrinking time with fast choppy cuts and lots of jump cuts. There are lots of cuts between the different scenes and between the ducks looking at the people. The shots didn't properly fit with the music, they were just random throughout the whole video.

Tuesday 12 November 2013

Editing research - Booyah - Showtek

Number of cuts in the video - 211
Shrinking time all throughout, bits were real time (at the beginning). Whole video is based around a whole school day which has been condensed down to 4 about minutes. There were a lot of choppy shots but there were about the same amount of slow motion shots as well. The beat of the music fell where the shots were cut so that it fitted to the music.

Monday 11 November 2013

Editing research - Animals - Martin Garrix

Number of cuts in the video - 144
Shrinking time throughout the whole video, choppy cuts, not too choppy but makes it all shrinking time. Visuals don't always fit to the music, not as choppy when there is fast music. Main parts of the music do fit with the visuals however.
There are extremely choppy cuts that go from between two scenes very fast when the music is at its climax and then when the beat drops it goes back to the normal shots that have been happening for the other parts of the song.

Editing research - You Make Me - Avicii

Number of cuts in the video - 214
Mainly shrinking time throughout the whole video, fast choppy cuts create this feeling. Visuals are established just before the beat drops.
The cuts are very choppy and are put on the screen/shown for just the right amount of time for your brain to process the visuals. This means you don't get bored with visuals that are up there for ages and it also wouldn't look right if you had slow shots in this music video because it is such a fast paced song.

Sunday 10 November 2013

Decision making

Throughout the process of editing our music video we have thought that it might be a good idea to put an element of performance in. We have decided to film close ups of peoples lips singing the words to the song. These people will have powder paint on their lips so it links back to the scene that we have already edited with the powder paint fight. We will get a mixture of different people (girls and boys) to do this so that we have a variety to choose from. We think this will help to break up the sequence a bit more and also make it have more of the conventions of a dance music video using all 3 aspects (narrative, concept and performance).

Sunday 3 November 2013

Editing - post production

We started to edit our music video the day after we shot the footage of the powder paint fight. We put the basic shots in and we then got down to the details of the footage and making sure it was in the exact right place and that it flowed with the music. We realised when we put the footage into Final Cut Pro that the wide shots were much worse quality and had no depth to them whereas the close ups and the mid shots where sharp and had really good lighting. This meant we couldn't use the wide shots for a long period of time in the music video but we have put them in amongst the quick choppy shots. The good thing about doing a dance track is that with the choppy shots we can repeat sections of it because it's going to quickly. This means we have plenty of footage for the whole track. We haven't shot the second scene but even without this, we have managed to edit nearly all of the powder paint scene.

So far with the editing we think it has gone extremely well and we are very happy with how it is turning out. The powder paint fight was a success and looks very good with the music.