We started to edit our music video the day after we shot the footage of the powder paint fight. We put the basic shots in and we then got down to the details of the footage and making sure it was in the exact right place and that it flowed with the music. We realised when we put the footage into Final Cut Pro that the wide shots were much worse quality and had no depth to them whereas the close ups and the mid shots where sharp and had really good lighting. This meant we couldn't use the wide shots for a long period of time in the music video but we have put them in amongst the quick choppy shots. The good thing about doing a dance track is that with the choppy shots we can repeat sections of it because it's going to quickly. This means we have plenty of footage for the whole track. We haven't shot the second scene but even without this, we have managed to edit nearly all of the powder paint scene.
So far with the editing we think it has gone extremely well and we are very happy with how it is turning out. The powder paint fight was a success and looks very good with the music.
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