Thursday 23 January 2014

Second album cover idea

For this album cover idea we came up with a symbol for the song. We picked a heart for the 'Love' part of the song and we put an arrow on the end of the heart to show the 'Again' part of the song. Together, this symbol spells out 'love Me Again'.
Iconography linked to sound...
- We decided that the Outside of the heart would have splattered powder paint on a black background with the heart filled in black. With the bright colours of the powder paint and the boldness of the black heart, this shows that the sounds are going to be loud and very sharp and to the point. It shows the dance/pop genre within the album cover.

Typography linked to sound...
- The typography that says 'Love Me Again' is in a very bold block type which shows that the song stands out and is very out there and is up beat. The fact that it is very sharp and angular shows that there is no flow to the song but that it is very to the point and up beat.
- The song that we have picked is a dance/pop song. The conventions of this genre of song is loud, bold, colourful, up beat and powerful. We have showed this in our album cover idea through the typography and the iconography with the bold and colourful text and picture.
- John Newman has a traditional look to himself. He is very old school and retro. On his album covers you see dull colours and the main focus is him on the front. We have added the UKF (who remixed the song) look to our album cover and made it very colourful and bold to make it stand out as a dance/pop album.

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