Thursday 11 July 2013

Textual analysis of DJ Fresh - Gold Dust

- It is a dance video.
- Common features of this genre:
   - Upbeat
   - Fast pace /fast tempo
   - Bouncy/lively
   - Energetic
- Culture relates to the type of dance - American culture/South American
- The video is a typical dance video - very energetic and lively
- Does have quite a few slow motion movement which break up the sequence so we don't get lost, and also exaggerate the fast placed action

What is the relationship between lyrics and visuals?
- Being a concept video, the lyrics do not have a clean cut, direct link to the lyrics in the song
- However there are a few cases where they do crossover;
   - When the lyrics say "running away" the visuals are the skipper, running and travelling
   - "Hands up" the skipper put their hands up
   - "Gold dust" there is someone wearing a gold coat/jacket
- The skipping is totally unrelated to the song apart from the jumping aspect

What is the relationship between music and visuals?
- The visuals often match up to the tempo of the song at certain points
   - For example, during the tempo build up, close ups/establishing shots (like someone shooting a basketball into a net) are used, then when it reaches the peak, cuts back to the fast action skipping
- However, slow motion shots are used during the heavy tempo sections too - to provide a contrast which makes the skipper appear even faster - like it's in fast forward

Are there close ups of the artist and star image motifs?
- There are many close ups used - especially of the young children looking/reacting to the older people skipping
   - Establishes culture more
   - They don't have much money so can't afford to do typical sports - skipping has been passed down through the generations
- The matching girls' tops say " the new front ear" which could mean "frontier". "frontier" means development inviting research - which links to the name Dj Fresh

Is there reference to the notion of looking?
- There is great emphasis placed on the women in the video
- Male gaze
- Voyeurism
- Women are perceived as the idols/main focus
- The 2 girls are quite provocative/sexualised
- Slow motion of the men's reactions show them looking impressed/satisfied
- Everyone crowds round to watch

Is the music video performance based, narrative based or concept based?
- Concept based with an essence of narrative
- More concept - skipping
- Girls/culture - narrative

- Overall it is a very interesting video which covers the main connections of dance music videos
- I think it is very successful and the unusual topic of skipping suits the song and makes you want to watch more
- To improve it, i would perhaps add a bit more relevance/build up the 2 girls, as they randomly appeared

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